Welcome to Heaven On Earth! Come Stay. We are Co-creating a Neighborhood! The USA’s new Hot Springs Trail by Zoner. Gary Zukav’s Seat of the Soul. Plus, A Unique 100% Moneyback Guarantee & Easy Bliss Biz | HappyO & Bliss U News
Mar 08
It has been said,
“If you’d like to travel fast, go alone.
If you’d like to travel far, go together.”
May I suggest we travel together?
Would you like to co-author an inspiring book with me? I would be honored. I hereby invite you to consider co-authoring the new Bliss Conscious Communication.
If yes, you can very easily and honestly claim to be the co-author of a published book! Since I have already written the book, you simply get cozy, read and giggle between the lines, fill in the blanks, and enjoy.
More than 30,000 Blissologists have already co-authored the first edition of this book with me. Could 30,000 Blissologists be anything but right?
Fun Fact #1: this is the only book we know that offers a 100% money back guarantee!
Fun Fact #2: On top of that, not a single Blissologist has requested a refund.
Our 100% guarantee: Any sincere co-author who fully completes Bliss Conscious Communication and earnestly experiments with the exercises in real life without any improvement in mood or relationships is welcome to return their completed version of the book for a full refund of the book. Remarkably, every one of the +30,000 coauthors of Bliss Conscious Communication have been satisfied thus far. So, why not add some more bliss into your life today?
Introducing the Earth’s Easiest and
Most Blissful & Abundant Business Opportunity!
“When birth certificates are issued, Bliss Conscious Communication should be standard issue too!” – Michael Modzelewski
Standard issue? We also believe that Bliss Conscious Communication is an essential tool for achieving peace and harmony on Earth. Therefore, we are reaching out to selective entrepreneurs who would like to buy Bliss Conscious Communication books at a deep discount in bulk – just 5 copies or more – to share and sell wherever you like. Your imagination is the only limit. It’s an excellent income opportunity with deep discounts for wholesalers of all kinds who buy just 5 copies or more. These books are flying off the check out counters where we have already sold them at the following places. However, we cannot reach them all ourselves. There are simply too many opportunities!
Please give yourself a moment to brainstorm with me now. Just two minutes could enhance your quality of life while boosting your bank account. If you do take act on this opportunity, be sure you recommend that the Bliss books be featured at the check out counter or at a very most prominent location at the following awesome venues.
When you make your order, think about these in your area: Yoga Centers, Gift Shops, Boutique Clothing Shops, Art Stores, Metaphysical Stores, Artists’ Co-ops, Music Stores, Tea Shops, Apothecaries, Colleges (to Communications Professors), High Schools, Universities, Doctors’ Offices, Medical Practitioners, Psychotherapists, Family Counselors, Couples Counselors, Recovery Counselors, Studios of all kinds, AA and similar kinds of Meeting Places, Personal and Public Libraries, Peace Programs, Retreats, Inspirational Speakers’ Events, Expos, Symposiums, Conferences, Festivals, Centers, Churches, Temples, Communication Groups, Goddess Groups, Men’s Groups as well as to spiritual and inspirational Book Clubs. These Bliss Books are for Bodyworkers and Buddhist, Life Coaches and Personal Growth Seekers, Yoga Students and Teachers, Ministers, Reverends, Mystics, Wisdom Seekers, Sages, Peace Professors, Peace Studies Students, Peace Seekers, Teachers of All Kinds, People in Troubled Relationships, Meditators, Couples, Teenagers, Singles, Fiances, Divorcees, Parents, Grandparents, for those who may feel Depressed, For Lovers of Life, and for You. Our guarantee to you: 100% refund for any unsold brand new books. Nothing to lose. Together, let’s spread the bliss and co-create a happier world! For details, please call/text me at 928.308.2146 to get started.
How to Create an Ever More Magical Existence?
How to imagine a life of incredible beauty, of marvelous dreams, then manifest these dreams with a heart wide open to infinite possibilities? Daringly and sagaciously and full of wonder. How to live – to fully live, to deeply love – in every single potentially magical moment? How to remember to instantly and continuously shift our perspective to ceaselessly live in magic from deep within inside which then mirrors our outer circumstances? These are a few of my perpetual, ever-present queries that spark this heart. What are your questions? What are your quests?
Wondering How You Are, with Love,
100% Spiritual Giggle Guarantee! An exciting new larger edition of New Zealand’s #1 bestselling adventure anthropology poetry book Uncivilized Ecstasies is alas now available in legible large print. $15 Click to read stellar reviews and to buy this book directly from the author.
Upcoming Happynings at Heaven On Earth
SUN APRIL 5, 1 – 4 pm
Organic Vibrant Vegan Potluck…
…At Heaven On Earth, Prescott Arizona’s newest retreat in the gorgeous Granite Dells, on the lawn between canyon pools. Potluck plus optional yoga and dance circles, short hike and sharing. Please bring an organic vibrant vegan (raw vegetarian) dish. Join the Prescott Vibrant Vegan Meetup for more info. Reservations & directions, call/text 928.308.2146 or email happy@happyoasis.com. Free gift to the community.
SAT APRIL 18, 1 – 4 pm
Goddess Gathering
After performing recently as the Ecstatic Poet at the local Goddess Festival, I have been wishing to keep it going. Our Goddess Gathering features a vibrant vegan potluck with short meditation and yoga circles followed by sharing of each Goddess’s visions and dreams. It’s a fun, Sacred Women’s Circle for sharing creative projects, deepening friendships, and offering nurturing support. Please bring a dish, and if you like, a pillow, blanket, flower, hiking shoes, and yoga mat. Reservations & directions to Heaven On Earth, please call/text 928.308.2146 or email happy@happyoasis.com. Free gift to the community.
SAT MAY 2, 11 am – 2 pm
“Let’s Get Wild!” Edible Plant Foraging Walk & Luncheon
Learn how to forage and feast from Nature’s supermarket in the pondside forest at Heaven on Earth in Prescott’s Granite Dells. Please bring a large wooden, plastic or metal floating salad bowl and scissors for gathering your lunch. Bring a swimsuit and towel if you wish to join the floating picnic in the pool or feel free to dine in the gardens surrounding the canyon pool. Reservations & directions 928.308.2146 / happy@happyoasis.com. $25/$20 students.
SAT MAY 9th, 6 to 9 pm.
Grand Opening of Heaven On Earth and Illuminate Film Fest Preview Party
Tour Prescott’s new Heaven On Earth Retreat from 6 – 7 pm. Then, from 7 – 9 pm, join the Preview Party for a peek into Sedona’s Illuminate Film Festival (coming up May 27 – 31 in Sedona). The evening features a sneak preview of short samples of the festival’s eclectic array of films led by the executive producer. Illuminate is deemed as one of North America’s premier conscious and inspirational film festivals. We were honored to be featured in Illuminate last year in our Living Free In An Unfree World playshop with our $0 budget Creational Vehicle filmette after Deepak Chopra who debuted his new film and before the debu tof Yogananda’s Awake. Reservations & directions to this very special event, text/call 928.308.2146 or email happy@happyoasis.com. Free gift to the community.
Welcome to Heaven On Earth, the Southwest’s Little Shangri La!
We look forward to welcoming you to Heaven on Earth.
Whenever someone asks, “Where do you live?”,
we chime out, “Heaven on Earth!” because it is.
So, treasured friend, that is precisely the new name of our new retreat.
High up amidst the oak and pineclad pinnacles of Arizona, Heaven On Earth is an ancient yet new eco-health-soul retreat, a fairytale fantasyland about to open in a labyrinth of luxuriant canyons and lakes inside Arizona’s most luscious yet little known, seasonal rainforest.
Climate Change Bringeth Mild Rains. As in 2014, thus far 2015 has us brought ever more record rains – copious gentle rains, rivuleting rains, converging and cascading off the cliffs, splashing into unpeopled canyon walled ponds below – bringing on this delightfully mild, precocious springlike weather to Heaven On Earth.
How does one approach Heaven On Earth? One approaches Heaven On Earth Retreat with reverence and adventure by either 1) descending down one of the canyon walls, recommended for rock climbers only, 2) by hopping over a series of boulders set a pace apart from each other to cross the moat, or 3) by ambling over a wooden foot bridge above a series of elf-size cascades shooting through a seasonal stream. As you like.
Heaven On Earth is a true high desert canyon oasis, a water lover’s paradise with cliff-edged ponds, a swimming pool built into local pastel flagstone rocks, and a comfortable antique hot tub in which to lie on your back and gaze up at the stars between the tree tips dappled with canyon cliff views of cascading waterfalls while it rains.
We Give Thanks to the Frequent and Abundant Winter Rain!
Surrounded by forest, our dewy garden trees have been blossoming in profusion and succession, fragrancing the air, flowering since the first of February – peach trees, plums and persimmons, as well as nectarines, apricots, apples, cherries, walnuts, pears and figs. The cottonwoods, willows, black walnuts, cliff roses, wild cherries, hedge hogs, elms, pinons, oaks, alders, ashes, box elders, mesquite, sycamore, spruces, ponderosas, junipers, cat tails, maples, blackberries, prickly pears, yuccas, and trees of heaven are budding and adventurously leafing out. Smooth, ruddy-barked manzanitas are bursting with hanging pink and white bell flowers which taste as lovely as their rose-esque fragrance. Wild mustard, feral arugula and chickweed have gone wild forming a novel meadow beneath the trampoline.
It seems to be growing ever wilder. Ducks are coupling up, flirting and floating upon the pond, coyly quacking sweet somethings to one another. Gayly chirping birds are feasting from the many feeders, crowding them in remarkable numbers. Wrens sing in a cascading cadence. A red tailed hawk has taken up residence at the top of the loftiest cottonwood. Dozens of quail cavort beneath the feeders along with too many species to name here. Whipporwills whisper out at dusk and bats chirp by night between occasional songs of owls and coyotes. This is home to the common yet beautiful blue-bellied lizards and deer, but also to a striking family of elusive elk as well as ringtailed cats and skunks, to tarantulas and porcupines, lynxes and lions. And around here, it seems to be growing ever wilder. Road runners are frequenting our hood. Coyotes are converging in record numbers baying and toning as they love to do between the hoo-hooing of great horned owls and sweet songs of the whipporwills while families of javalinas (wild ancient boars) snuffle while they trample the earth below.
For wheatgrass enthusiasts, the blue-green rye edible lawn has remained true to it’s name, blue green throughout the winter and (we can testify) edible.
If any of this is enticing to you, we invite you to stay with us in Heaven on Earth sometime soon when you are passing through the Southwest. Please make reservations in advance for short or longterm stays
Heaven on Earth is located mid-way between L.A. and Santa Fe, only 47 easy, mountain miles from Sedona. From Sedona to Los Angeles the shortest route is to drive via Hwy 89 just a hilly mile down a spectacular, windy country road to Heaven on Earth.
Alternatively, an adorable little airport lives a mere ten minutes from our boutique retreat with a daily smallcraft flight from/to L.A. and another from/to Denver.
The best months to visit are April, May, August, September and October, especially since those are the only months we will be here as your hosts. However, we will simultaneously offer year-round mid and longterm self guided retreats for those who would like to settle in for a while or stay on indefinitely.
You’re Invited To Co-Create and Live in Our Inspirational Wilderness Neighborhood Community!
A couple of homes are currently for sale and for rent in our neighborly neighborhood, a humble hamlet surrounded by Nature’s verdure, featuring lakes, islands and jagged mountain magnificence. Beside a few hand fulls of homes, the Granite Dells (an our Granite Gardens neighborhood) is a virtually unpeopled, rugged wilderness, just ten minutes from town.
Our neighborhood, comprised of about 30 homes surrounded by tens of thousands of acres of wildlands, is an especially ideal location for organic gardeners, bicyclists, artists, authors, acoustic musicians, healers, birdwatchers, botanists, entomologists, geologists, naturalists, athletes, health advocates, kayakers, sailors, hikers, swimmers, adventurers, rock climbers, lovers of quietude and above all nature lovers.
Google “Granite Dells” to check out the majestic scenery!
We envision: living amidst inspired-thus-inspiring cultural creatives in sweet subtle harmonic community yet blissful independence with at our home or in your own home in the neighborhood. At Heaven on Earth, each suite is complete unto itself with it’s own entrance, bedroom, living room, kitchen and bath. The ambiance honors the precious meditative solitude essential for cultivating peace, joy and health while creating the poetry of life, beautiful music, delicious nutritious garden fresh cuisine, novel asanas, empowering meditation techniques, stimulating conversations, creating plays, concerts, playshops, art, videos, books, retreats, and inventions, honoring the Muse in a deeply relaxed yet focused spirit of ceaseless innovation.
We are enjoying the feeling of once again freeing ourselves from the daily habit of using electronic communication technologies, so may pick up the phone when you call or may, if out on a camping trip in the wilderness surrounding Heaven On Earth, get back to you within a week at the latest. For reservations or stopping in, please be sure to let us know you are coming well in advance at 928.308.2146 or bliss forth a love letter/inquiry to happy@happyoasis.com
Hiking A New Trail This Summer with the guidance of Aria Zoner, the phenomenal raw vegan-friendly hiker, brilliant long distance backpacking explorer, and innovative guide.
Zoner is the sole inventor of The Hot Springs Trail that spans five western states and the author of The Hot Springs Trail book.
Zoner created what is now North America’s longest Hotsprings Trail by discovering on foot many trails featuring hot springs, then thoughtfully threading unrelated existing trails together – an arduous achievement.
A Certified Health and Nutritional Counselor, Zoner is also known as the Whole Food Hiker who has walked across every western state in the USA. The Hot Springs Trail is a 2,390 mile long-distance hiking route that extends from Santa Barbara, California to the Idaho/Canadian border.
This thru-soakers’ route follows a wilderness and National Forest corridor which visits sacred places with healing waters. The Hot Springs Trail book has been divided up into 4 main parts, each of which is its own epic adventure with its own smaller guidebook. Overall, there is an Official Guidebook and a minimalists’ Offical Map Set along with a photographic Almanac highlighting each of the 82 Hot Spring areas that are visited on this trail.
Zoner also self-published a separate long distance hikers’ route called The 7 Summits of The Siskiyou Trail. The trail extends from Ashland, Oregon to Mt. Shasta, California through the Klamath Knot. This peak-baggers’ trail is 480 miles long and traverses 7 wilderness areas while summiting the highest point of each area along the way.
The Hot Springs and 7 Summits Trails were labors of love, creations that Zoner began in 2009. After 2 years of planning out the routes, 2 more years of hiking them, and an additional year of publishing, the official guidebooks are now available with inspiring videos to accompany them. Join the adventure on Aria Zoner’s website, www.wholefoodhiker.com
Seat of the Soul, Gary Zukav’s 25 anniversary edition book with forwards by Maya Angelou and Oprah. Do you know of anyone who loves to consider what is important in life (perhaps you?) or anyone who occasionally feels flummoxed by the complexities and contradictions of today and would like to be inspired to take the next steps toward living life ethically and wisely?
Seat of the Soul is an exploration into living life consciously yet pragmatically and – most of all – authentically. I wish everyone could read and grok this book. If we were all to heed Gary Zukav, Maya Angelou and Oprah’s advice within the pages of the 25th anniversary edition of Seat of the Soul, then living in harmony and happiness with compassion and kindness on a healthy earth would quite possibly be more closely achieved. www.seatofthesoul.com
We’d love to meet you at the
Eagle Quetzal Condor Gathering, Sedona, AZ, April 17 – 19, 2015
New! Quantum Chocolate, A Raw Organic Superfood Power Powder Drink Mix
“I feel especially blessed to have been compensated exclusively in Quantum Chocolate.
It’s much more nutritious and delicious than money.” – Happy Oasis
Thank You so much for blessing our lives as you do! Waz up with you? We glory in all the wonders you experience in your incredible and amazing life! May you enjoy every drop of golden peace flowing through the blue sky air. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Peace, Love and Laughter are our Greatest Gifts.
These Three and More we Wish for You Now and Always!
Hugs and Blissings,
Happyo (and Johnny too)
We Recommend Hippocrates Health Institute, North America’s largest and leading comprehensive health retreat. Hippocrates offers the fullest array of powerful alternative health and integrated medical approaches as well as organic gourmet raw restaurant daily buffets, beautiful accommodations, nature hikes, gardens, ponds, swimming pool, wheat grass house, conference center, proximity to West Palm Beach’s ocean, plus, consultations with a diversity of reseach physicians utilizing extensive advanced non-invasive testing procedures, ongoing daily classes and weekly residential programs. It is the retreat we most highly recommend for anyone wishing to prevent or overcome disease or to uplift your health to the next level.
Dr. Jameth Sheridan is an eminent researcher and possibly the USA’s leading nutrition-packed super food formula pioneer. We imbibe in nutritious delicious Health Force Super Foods whenever we can, particularly the Vitamineral Green, loaded with fortifying nutrients.
Galaxies of Gratitude to You For
Your Wonderful Love Letters, Endearing Emails, Prayers and Blissings. They are living here firmly embedded and blossoming in Heaven On Earth.
With You, Too, in Activating Your Miracles!
See You Soon,
In Heaven on Earth
Happyo (and Johnny too)