Happy’s Wisdom Speech Upon Receiving The Peer-To-Peer Award Last Night at the Raw Living Expo | Raw Spirit Community News
Feb 01Glad Tidings, Last night, on Jan 30, 2014, Raw Living Expo honored Happy with a Peer-to-Peer Award for founding the Raw Spirit Festival that inspired today’s festivals.
Click here to watch the video of the award-winning speech with wisdom for today…
Happy’s Wisdom Speech upon Receiving Raw Living Expo’s 2014 Peer-To-Peer Award
Good Tidings Celestial Terrestrials! I’m Happy Oasis, founder of the Raw Spirit Festival. Special thank you to considerate Laura Fox, my former Raw Spirit employee in 2007, who founded today’s Raw Living Expo.
I feel deeply honored to be receiving this award and delighted to know that the next generation of the Raw Spirit festival is now flourishing. I’d like to share a little wisdom I’ve learned and believe that this wisdom is vital for us all to consider to help ensure that the Raw Living Expo will endure for a very long time.
What I’ve learned from the Raw Spirit Festival is that if someone pours of their heart, soul, sweat, creativity, enthusiasm, home, and money into creating a festival and loves it with every thought, word and deed, with all their heart, mind and body, nurturing it tirelessly and prayerfully day and night, as if it is their own precious child, and if they perceive all of the participants to be as if their very own loving family…
…If the powers that be are threatened by the leader’s lifelong environmental and health activism and early anti-GMO stance that suddenly has a growing active audience to join it, the powers that be may quietly hire professional specialists to infiltrate and disrupt a festival by persistently slandering and nearly bankrupting it’s leader. If even a few of the festival’s participants use the slander for their own advantage, the festival will not last long.
To enjoy this expo for years to come, please, my friends, be kind to one another. Exercise compassion. Speak well of your devoted leaders and friends from all walks of life. Support one another’s joy. Encourage uplifting enterprises whenever you can. Make this Raw Living Expo your own.
Please speak only truth and kindness about each other, and if there is a grievance, speak directly and only to the person the grievance is with. Compassionately refrain from believing or spreading unkind unrealistic gossip that you may read or hear. Others wish to divide us; we best stick together.
Act thusly and this marvelous expo, this inspiring expo of health, eco, music, peace and fun will flourish and endure for a very long time. Serve the Raw Living Expo and The Raw Living Expo will serve you for decades to come, thereby uplifting the world with wisdom and you with it. In this way we can together lovingly co-create a better world.
Blessings to you all, my friends, especially to today’s leaders now listening in the audience and even more so to today’s learners, for it is you who will become the magnanimous leaders of a wonderful tomorrow.
What does one do after creating the Raw Spirit Festivals, the world’s largest raw spiritual events?
My beloved and I are here in the southern tip of Baja California Mexico for the winter, loving life and loving each other – free camping in our tiny rv (our “creational vehicle”), meditating, praying, do yoga on the beach, enjoying local tropical organic fresh-off-the-farm raw cuisine, foraging, snorkeling, sea kayaking, writing more books, playing music under the stars, getting super fit, and volunteering at an orphanage, all this while living on less than $100 a week (Viva Mexico!). In this frugalicious way, we can most quickly repay the last $11,000 of the Raw Spirit Festival’s remaining debts. Life is an Adventure, a Ceaseless Celebration, and I Celebrate YOU!
Feel free to stay in touch with me at HappyOasis.com through our monthly newsletter or bliss forth a note to me at BlissologyUniversity.com. Life has just begun. Have fun. Go deep. Activate the Miraculous, and bliss forth with Love. May the Raw Living Expo flourish. May the Raw Spirit live on… in you!
Slowing Roving Through Baja California Sur, Mexico
with the Raw Spirit & Bliss U News
It is a Deep Honor for the Raw
Spirit Community News
to continue to join forces with these
stellar sponsors & supporters,
leaders dedicated to co-creating
a healthier humanity!
Ann Wigmore Institute
Best of Raw Awards
Blissology University
Biolumina Spirulina
Brad’s Raw Foods
Da Vid Raphael M.D. & New Phoenix Rising
Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.
Dr. Gabriel Cousens M.D.
Foster & Kimberly Gamble
Graff Academy
Happy Oasis Retreat
Health Force Super Foods
Hippocrates Health Institute
ICR’s Global Source Center
Jeffrey Smith
Lydia’s Organics
Marci Shimoff
McLean Meditation Institute
Pura Vida Restaurant & Health Food Store
Raw Living Expo
Raw Revolution
Raw Spirit Fest
Sacred Chocolate
The Garden Diet
Thrive Movement
Tree of Life Center
Victoria Boutenko
Viktoras Kulvinskas
William Eaton
and You!