A CALL TO ACTION! The Most Important, Timely & Revealing Read Ever! | Raw Spirit Community News

Nov 22

Hi, How have you been honoring your health recently?

We recently waxed ecstatic with Dr. Brian Clement and Dr. Anna Maria Clement at three rollicking, mind-blowing, raw vegan “Quantum Health” events in Sedona. These co-directors of Hippocrates are a hoot.

Then, last weekend it was another full house in Sedona as we came together to thrive at “Living Free In An Unfree World” with the co-Producers of THRIVE, Kimberly and Foster Gamble, followed by an articulate upload by the legendary Johnny Liberty (Johnny Light) mixed in with some blissful tips about living your godzillionaire lifestyle in freedom by yours happy truly.

Before we drive down to Baja California for the winter, I feel compelled to share with you what’s happening in the USA right before our eyes, or more accurately, directly beneath our noses, out of sight to all but the most perceptive.

Please understand that this issue’s main article, “A Call To Action”, contains serious informational content that may not be appeal to sensitive readers. It is not for the faint of heart. Then again, neither is a life worth living.

Health & Happiness Happenings:

Scroll Down For Fabulous Flyers About Great News & Rawsplendent:

1. Good News: Mexico banned GMO corn last week.
Mendocino, Trinity and Marin Counties banned GMOs in 2004. Hawaii and Kauaii Counties banned GMOs last week.

2. We are wintering in Southern Baja, California. Come visit us. Viva Mexico! Ole!
3. Hippocrates Magazine Healing Our World Features liberating article Why Changing Our Emotions Is As Easy As Putting Down A Spoon by Happy Oasis
4. The Astonishingly-Talented Duet, GYPSY SOUL, Perform TONIGHT, Nov 23, at Sedona’s Creative Life Center. 
5. Dr. Cousens’ Portals to Liberation Spiritual Fasting Retreat at The Tree of Life, Dec 26 – Jan 6, 2014
6. Sedona World Wisdom Days to gather in Sedona, AZ, Jan 17 – 20, 2014
7. Best of Raw & The Raw Living Expo convene near Los Angeles, CA, Jan 31 – Feb 2, 2014Why Smoking

Rawmarkable Recommendations from Your Raw Spirit Community News:

1. Warm Up & Rejuvenate at Hippocrates Health Institute of West Palm Beach, Florida
2. David Wolfe & Sacred Steve Offer Up The Finest Sacred Chocolates
3. Da Vid’s Biolumina Spirulina is not only unique in it’s processing – it’s been quantum infused.

4. Health Force Nutritional Continues Offering the Most Nutritionally Dense Array of Superfood Formulae.

• Please Scroll Down To See Full-Size Flyers of these Raw Vegan Retreats & Empowering Products

The Most Daringly Serious & Revealing Truth: A Call To Action.

Upon learning that last week Mexico banned planting gmo corn and that in the same week, both Hawaii County and Kauaii County banned all gmos, while jumping with joyous squeals of relief, I wept.

I let out a glimmering whimper in a moment of hope for the health of our one shared precious planet followed by a surprising ocean of tears of deep personal suffering shared by so many of us – disenfranchised leaders, homeless home-owners, suicidal farmers, health-afflicted human beings, genetically-morfed animals, non-consenting plants and monumental masses of mutated micro-organisms.

A gargantuan, full-bodied smile then burst to the surface in reverent celebration of the strength of the undying human spirit that somehow sees through it all, struggles and stands up for truth, victorious. Viva La Evolution!

My longtime dream had come true, and is now alas coming true: gmos are being banned worldwide including, at long last, in the USA, thereby beginning the end of this crazy genetic experiment which landed in the hands of greedy men bent on controlling seeds around the world, mostly for sinister purposes, though the public relations fabrications at first convinced many millions of unquestioning people of their supposed virtues.

Did you know that back in 2004, Mendocino County, California, was the first jurisdiction in the United States to ban the cultivation, production or distribution of genetically modified organisms, soon followed by California’s Marin and Trinity Counties?

After years of researching and protesting gmos prior to the first Raw Spirit Festival in 2004, a friend pulled me aside during that first festival to say, “There are two men in dark shirts and sunglasses observing Raw Spirit Festival. They appear to be spies.”

I responded, “I appreciate your concern, yet you must be either joking or paranoid. Why would anyone be interested in disrupting a raw vegan organic festival that is working tirelessly to ban to GMOs?”

When a second festival participant similarly advised me, I responded the same way, giggling about the absurdity of such a notion. Ditto the third and fourth time because, having abided overseas for more than a decade, I could not imagine that our benevolent little festival beneath the trees that aimed to make a better world – a loving, organic, raw vegan-friendly, healthy, happy, harmonious, gmo-free world – was interesting enough to spy on.

Why would anyone do such a thing? I didn’t have a moment to wonder about it because I was too fully absorbed with creating heaven on earth full time for those who shared the vision and wished to join us a few weekends a year.

Part of my vision-mission for the Raw Spirit Festival was to lobby – never as a political being for political purposes – but only to support that which heightens health for humanity and to overturn obstacles that do not since Raw Spirit Fest is an educational health festival with an emphasis on health and education. Assessing the myriad issues, it seemed to me that the foremost threat to humanity’s health was the unprecedented and unregulated release of gmos into the environment – as if the earth itself had rather suddenly become some kind of frankensteinian laboratory gone mad without public or botanical consent or understanding.

As a life long environmental activist, during the 1980s and 1990s I found myself geographically in the midst of several environmental catastrophes in various countries, and single-handedly – guided by the devas of the trees, seas or animals – won several legal battles, speaking on behalf of these plants and animals, sometimes including fish and corals, who lived there, from Thailand to Arizona to Alaska.

In contrast, the enormous, worldwide scale of the gmo issue was going to require the organizing of a dynamic force field of international teams to combat the powerful forces at play, big interests with seemingly bottomless pockets. Thus, the pernicious and pervasive upsurging of this most perilous worldwide threat to life on Earth – gmos – inspired me to learn how to educate and lobby ever more effectively.

I did this by leaving my tiny forest lookout home where i had been living very happily for many a dreamy summer in a forgotten wilderness to fly to Washington D.C. (yikes) for the first time in my life to meet those relatively few people who were somewhy in the position to make decisions that were putting humanity’s health at great risk.

For educational and peace-loving purposes, I joined the 2007 Department of Peace Conference as one of eleven delegates from Arizona. It was exciting to convene at a conference center in Washington D.C., then to meet with our state senators and congressional representatives in each of their office lobbies, hence, I alas realized, the meaning of the American term “lobbyists”. The Department of Peace Conference was headed up by Marianne Williamson (currently running for senatorial office in 2014), with a dynamic team of such raw vegan-friendly powerhouses as Rep. Dennis Kucinich, Michael Beckwith and Rickie-Byers Beckwith; along with Deepak Chopra.

A few months prior, a “veteran businessman” had started advising me on how to run the burgeoning Raw Spirit Fest ever more efficiently since I was a visionary-poet running an educational non-profit with a makeshift assemblage of young festival enthusiasts, everyone of us neophytes, including myself.

I realized later that much of the advice of the self-proclaimed “veteran businessman” was actually given with the aim to put Raw Spirit out of business. Over the months, he grew fond of me, then advised that I was “indeed being observed”. Again, I thought he was imagining things, until he confessed that he had been “sent for surveillance purposes”.

“You mean you are a spy?!”, I asked shocked.

“Don’t say that!” he whispered adamantly.

“I’m not a spy”, he protested. “I do surveillance”.

I didn’t know the difference. And still don’t. Perhaps it is too a fine line for those not in the business.

Because I had trusted him and respected his self-proclaimed business prowess, I had already invited him to be the Vice President on the Raw Spirit Board of Directors, who had voted him in.

This special agent was in a pickle. Here’s why. He had adopted raw foods in the process of researching and doing his job, and in doing so, he personally and directly experienced how eating raw vegan organic foods was healing him, tremendously so.

He was in a tough position. On one hand, he was hired to do a job. On the other hand, his overweight, tired, and poisoned body, mind and spirit were awakening to the joy, clarity and energy of organic raw foods and lovingkindness. Meanwhile, he was starting to grow deeply fond of the founder of the Raw Spirit Festival.

Due to this internal conflict, this fellow decided to suddenly disappear without explanation, then for the next several years, one agent replaced him after another. He introduced me to who would be the next Raw Spirit Vice President, then swiftly exited the scene. In addition, each time a new very helpful computer geek was hired, within a month or two each would turn out to be yet another agent of surveillance and disruption, unbeknownst to me until each one completed the same strange list of activities.

Each agent sabotaged the festival’s computer systems, created divisiveness among the staff, lowered office morale, stole or lost our vast email lists, slandered me and the festival, advised that i give up the festival, organized anonymous threats, and substantially embezzled in some clever ways via switching bank and Paypal accounts away from Raw Spirit Fest into his other accounts in my absence.

Since I was gullible, too-trusting and often traveling to speak and market at other festivals, expos and symposiums, by the time I realized this was happening, it was usually a month too late before I fired them.

All the while, the festival was blissing forth as thousands of international participants were gathering in “education, inspiration and celebration”, healing their diseases and guiding their health and happiness to new levels via the Raw Spirit Festivals, all of us oblivious that a lineage of special agents had been hired to infiltrate and sabotage the Raw Spirit Festival founder and headquarters until its demise.

The final helpful computer geek by name of Johnny Light entered the scene in November, 2011. He had heard reports of how the Raw Spirit Festival was igniting the world as “the largest raw vegan, educational, eco-peace and lovingkindness celebration”. People were flying in from around the world to partipate. He was delighted to see first hand that this was all true.

Johnny, unlike the other “helpful computer geeks”, pointed out several vultures surrounding me, then caught the last agent red-handed in embezzling from Raw Spirit on line in Jan 2012. This angel, Johnny Light, came to the rescue to a damsel in distress (me) by also threatening the last smear campaigning agent with a libel law suit if he did not retract his false and malicious words. My angel and beloved, Johnny Light, has never left my side since.

I vowed to Johnny, to myself and to the world, to learn the many lessons gleaned, and to hereby forewarn others of how common this situation is among leaders who are environmental or social activists and truth tellers today. Surprisingly, there is no book out there yet about this topic. The more open, idealistic, generous, gullible and trusting the leader, the greater the risk. It is important for leaders to not take such threats as personal attacks. Agents are prolific these days in the USA, more than ever, from teenagers to elders, pervading all arenas of life.

These are professionals who are hired to observe and systematically destroy an organization or individual simultaneously on many fronts. Rather than taking it personally and feeling hopeless, confused and rejected, respond vigorously if you are experiencing these symptoms:

  • You were loved by most everyone until you became the head of an organization or movement and now
    you suddenly have mysterious, anonymous enemies who are disparaging you on line, to your email lists
    and/or to your staff and friends.
  • Your computer systems are failing inexplicably since shortly after the new computer guy arrived.
  • Your website goes down and nothing can get it to work again.
  • Money is missing from your bank account without a trace as to where it went.

The good news is that this likely won’t happen to you unless you are a leader of something that appears to oppose the interests of the so-called “powers that be”. However, you can help tremendously by being vigilant and lovingly responsive, quelling the surge of youth who are becoming members of the sweltering secretservice.com and other similar agencies such as Blackwater, the world’s most comprehensive private army whose names are currently Xe (“zee”), “Academi” and more.

Here’s an example of what you can do to take action:

In Oregon, I recently met a young man who was at a singing gathering in the woods. A few weeks later, he was performing spontaneous live poetry at a restaurant/bar on First Friday in Ashland. This fellow, who I will call Pinocchio, asked the audience for a line to start his next poem. I chimed in, “How about this: looking back to the 21st century, gmos are now history.”

The young poet momentarily gave me the evil eye, then started a surprising poem to the effect of “Gmos are good for you. They feed the world. We need gmos. We love gmos. Be nice to those who grow them…”

Wow, were we surprised by the poet’s stance on gmos. Everyone in the audience was apparently feeling like me – too surprised and polite to retort during his performance.

A few days later, I ran into the young fellow in the local park and told him that, “My many friends and I who heard your poetry performance about gmos were wondering if you have your head in the sand or if you are an agent. Which is it?”

His smile disappeared as he sternly and rapidly demanded, “Who are they? What are their names?” with a sudden tone of authority.

“Thank you for clarifying.”, I responded.”I understand.”

I paused, then with a slow, caring voice I continued, “You know, I could be your mother. How much money do you need? Why are you selling your soul?”

He was silent.

I continued, “If you continue doing this, it will haunt you later in life. Can you do something else to make a living?”

Tears welled up behind his eyes. In a long silent moment nothing was said but a lot was spoken between our eyes before he turned and slowly walked away with his head noticeably lowered.

I hereby call upon each one of us to be courageous and responsive enough
to guide the misguided youth of all ages.
– Happy Oasis

Let us conclude with a few vegetable jokes:

A guy walks into the doctor’s office. A banana stuck in one of his ears, a head of lettuce in the other ear, and a carrot stuck in one nostril. The man says, “Doc, this is terrible. What’s wrong with me?”
The doctor says, “Well, first of all, you need to eat more sensibly.”

Why did the tomato blush?
Because she saw the salad dressing.

What did the lettuce say to the celery?
Quit stalking me.

Why did the tomato get embarassed?
Cos it saw the chick pea!

Which vegetable do sailors fear most?

Why did the pepper go out with a prune?
Because he couldn’t find a date.

Why shouldn’t you tell secrets in a cornfield?
There are too many ears!

Breaking News: The Big Island of Hawaii and Kauaii passed bills requiring full bans on GMO crops. Did you know that Mendocino County was the first county to be GMO free? Back in 2004 this was voted in. Marin and Trinity Counties of California were next. This news is just the start a new wave of county-wide GMO bans.

Hippocrates Health Institute’s magazine Healing Our World recently featured this inspiring article by Happy Oasis regarding profound revelations while serving as the coordinator and meditation teacher at Thailand’s largest jungle monastery, “The Garden of Liberation”.  Download PDF here

TONIGHT, SAT NOV 23, The International Duet, GYPSY SOUL, Perform Live In Sedona, Arizona!
 “Bliss-inducing! America’s most talented, profoundly-soulful,
raucously-joyful and intelligent musical duet alive!”
– Happy Oasis
VIP Reception at 6 pm. Show: 7 – 9 pm at Sedona’s Creative Life Center.
Buy Tickets: www.ICResource.com/GypsySoulSedona or $20 at the door.

Sacred Steve and David Wolfe have arrived at new heights to deliver the finest raw vegan love-filled chocolates to you. Gift a gift to yourself and others with these delicious stocking stuffers. Order now at sacredchocolate.com. Use the promo code ‘happy’ at the checkout for a bonus 10% discount!

Biolumina Spirulina is not only unique in it’s processing. It’s been quantum infused.
Raw Spirit Festival highly recommend experimenting with Biolumina Spirulina which is loaded with verdant, health-giving goodness at a very wholesome price.
CALL DaVid 877.877.5616
Find out for yourself if you feel the difference!

Dr. Gabriel Cousens & the Team at Arizona’s Tree Of Life Welcome You to Portals to Liberation, A Unique Spiritual Fasting Retreat” from December 26 – January 6, 2014. Serenely set in spacious mountains above the inviting village of Patagonia, Arizona’s Premier Raw Vegan Rejuvenation Center, The Tree of Life, is an International Health-Lovers’ Destination! DrCousens.com


Get Inspired in 2014 at Sedona World Wisdom Days, Jan 17 – 20th, with Jean Houston, Don Miguel Ruiz Sr, Mackenzie Phillips and A Dozen More Dynamic and Luminious Leaders! SedonaWorldWisdom.com

The 2nd annual Raw Living Expo is happening Jan 31 – Feb 2, 2014, in Thousand Oaks, CA at the Hyatt Westlake Plaza. Early bird tickets are on sale now. This is not a Raw Spirit Festival event. It is the creation of Laura Fox, a former Raw Spirit associate during 2007. We will be in Baja California at the time; however, we highly recommend what looks like A Great Gathering! RawLivingExpo.com

We at Raw Spirit personally take Health Force Super Foods daily,
especially the Spirulina and Vitamineral Green.

It is a Deep Honor for the Raw Spirit Community News
to join forces with these stellar sponsors & supporters –
leaders dedicated to co-creating a healthier humanity!

 Ann Wigmore Institute
Blissology University
Brad’s Raw Foods
Da Vid Raphael M.D. & New Phoenix Rising
Dr. Gabriel Cousens M.D.
Gurkee’s Original Rope Sandals
Graff Academy
Happy Oasis Retreat
Healthforce International
Hippocrates Health Institute
ICR’s Global Source Center
Lydia’s Organics

Raw Living Expo
Raw Revolution
Raw Spirit
Sacred Chocolates
The Garden Diet
Thrive Movement
Tree of Life Center

Luminous Leader,

May you be so fortunate as to give yourself the luxury of turning off your computer to enjoy this gorgeous summer day!

Let us know if you’d like to share your uplifting events and offerings with tens of thousands of enthusiastic, intelligent, life-loving, bi-coastal, nation-wide, international, resplendent Raw Spirit readers such as You?!

Promoting in the Raw Spirit Community News produces raw-inspiring results. Let us help you spread the bliss about the good that you love to share with the world for our highest health and happiest hearts.

Shine on, my friend. Love living. Live loving,

Happy Oasis for the
Raw Spirit Community News
