Interview with Dr. Gabriel Cousens, Raw Vegan Panel Dynamos, Raw Tears of Realization, Dying Immortalists Live On, and Are You Getting & Giving Enough Vitamins K & L? Plus, Bliss in Sedona, Yoga In Bali & Sages Pilgrimage to Peru.
Feb 22Happy Heavenly Aloha from Maui,
“In the winter, sleep more, eat less. Ask any bear.”
– Happy Oasis
Good Tidings, Kindred Health Explorers!
We are starting to teach how easy it is to live a raw-billionaire, godzillionaire, blisstrillionaire lifestyle.
Meanwhile, Maui’s ocean was crashing, sub-tropical birds chattering in chorus with weed whippers singing during this acoustically-challenged, nonetheless raw-awe-inspiring phone interview with the illustrious Dr. Gabriel Cousens who was at the Tree of Life in Arizona at the time.
Dr. Gabriel Cousens is the author of seven internationally acclaimed books including Spiritual Nutrition. He is known worldwide as a spiritual teacher and the leading expert in live, plant-source nutrition. The New York Times calls him, “the fasting guru and detoxification expert”. His multi-cultural background as an ordained rabbi, an prominent yogi, and a four-year Native American Sundancer, adds insight to his “whole-person enlightenment” teachings.
As founder and director of the Tree of Life Foundation in Arizona and the Tree of Life Center US, Gabriel has taught extensively in twenty countries and has initiated humanitarian projects in Mexico, Ghana, Nigeria, and Ethiopia. In his latest book, There Is A Cure For Diabetes, Dr. Cousens presents his rejuvenation center’s program for successfully reversing diabetes naturally in 21 days.
An exquisite ensemble of dynamic panelists (Dr. Elizabeth, Mimi Kirk, Markus Rothkranz, Rod Rotundi and yours truly) along with hundreds of enthused participants convened at the Raw Vegan Panel of LA’s Conscious Life Expo recently.
Afterward, two rotund women walked up with tears filling their eyes. “We had an Aha! moment,” they said, each grabbing one of my hands, virtually in unison.
One of the sisters continued, “You explained that it’s not the same eating meat today as it was for our ancestors who hunted and let the animals roam free. Happy, you said that today every time we eat meat we are essentially saying yes to slavery, yes to inhumane confinement, and yes to animal torture.”
“I had no idea that eating meat condones animal slavery and torture”, she added. “You woke me up.”
“Me too”, said her friend.
We all three spontaneously shared a huge hug with tears filling all of our eyes. I realized years ago that I get paid in tears far more than in any other currency. What is the price of a tear? Gold cannot even come close.
Another touching occurrence at the Conscious Life Expo was the fate of the renowned eccentric Immortalist, Mony Vital, who spoke from his booth at Raw Spirit Fest once years ago with a lot of hoopha about what he had to say.
Mony was recently scheduled to speak about attaining Immortality. He died the day prior to his talk on Immortality. This is serious, yet also oddly humorous. Although it is considered neither polite nor sensitive in current American culture, he will not mind if you laugh.
A funeral ceremony was led in the room by Mony Vital’s loving sister where the Immortalist’s Immortality talk was to take place. It is a reminder that we are indeed immortal, yet not to assume that the spiritual truth of immortality is also true from a material perspective, thus mistake immortality as a physical truth, beyond recycling. Like it or not, our body temples are recycled to make room for more. Welcome to Spiritual Ecology 101. All the more reason for those of us who are still alive on this planet to live life with gusto. Ole!
Thus, we did not mourn our loss of the Immortalist, but instead celebrated the life of this zany, zesty, man of gumption, originality and humor, as we felt he was enjoying it. When spirits take flight, they ask us to celebrate their freedom, rather than to mourn excessively our own loss. They do not lose. They gain freedom. Wholesome spirits fly free and wish to share this reality, if only we can see. May we hae the courage to be happy with them.
At Conscious Life I witnessed an attempt at unjust criticism toward two conscious, positively-contributing, solutions-focused presenters who were speaking on stage. Meanwhile, they were being slandered from on stage in our neighboring room by someone on the Emerging Science Panel.
Odd that such untrue, unkind gossip would happen anywhere, especially at a Conscious Life Expo, a poignant reminder that consciousness comes and goes in us all from moment to moment, hence the importance of habitually practicing Bliss Conscious Communication.
This presented an opportunity to uplift the atmosphere, essentially asking the panelists, “How we can we thrive, by walking our talk and speaking from a higher state of honesty, kindness and compassion?”
The repercussions of this question ricocheted around the Expo and beyond, and are still being felt in dozens of uplifting phone calls, emails, texts and heartfelt discussions as we all give a closer look at how we can refrain from malicious speech, while speaking and listening from an ever greater place of honesty, balance, and supportive Loving*Kindness*. Indeed, frequent doses of Vitamins L* and K* are – with the crowding of the planet – more essential than ever.
Galaxies of Gratitude to the loving friends of Ojai, Oxnard, Hermosa Beach & Ventura, CA who welcomed us home with open homes, raw vegan feasts, playshops, sailing vessel celebrations, music jams, and a multitude of bliss-filled evening soirees… which continue now in Arizona.
We give thanks to amazing friends who opened their love-filled homes to Bliss in Sedona, Cottonwood, Scottsdale, Phoenix, Tempe and Mesa, Arizona. Between gleeful evening galas, we sunbasked, swam and hiked in the desert amidst glorious palaces. We feel blessed by your presence, cherished friends, and treasure the depth of our communion.
A year ago, I called my former Raw Spirit Fest employee and lifetime friend, Laura Fox, saying,
“I hereby officially pass the torch of putting on Raw Spirit Festivals to You. I love you, support you and think its time for you, Laura, to start a raw festival of your own.”
Today, a year later, I proudly invite you to Laura Fox’s first-ever Raw Living Expo at the Hilton in Sedona, AZ starting today. I’m so proud of Laura and the excellent team she created!
Today at 2:30 pm the Expo kicks off with the super-fit, exuberant and gorgeous Dr. Elizabeth and I sharing our “Succulent Strategies For Supernatural Health”! We will give away more than 30 fantabulous health tips that you can do to enjoy dynamic health. Plus, I will do a condensed demo of how virtually anyone can easily do 50 pushups a day!
Today, Fri at 4 pm at the Raw Expo, I shall introduce to you Katrina Blair, Colorado’s foremost and funnest ecologist, raw wild foraging chef and environmental activist. She is currently implementing a pesticide-free program for the city of Durango.
Today, Fri at 5 pm, Presenters walk the green carpet, then dine at the Sedona’s Raw Gala, while I emcee the Media Awards at the Best of Raw Awards.
On Sun Feb 24 at 10 am we’ll features “Bliss Conscious Communication, a Certificate PlayShop For Blissologists” at the Raw Living Expo.
More Marvels Include:
1. Yoga Training in Bali, March 1 – 24 in Ubud, Indonesia.
2. Meet Us at Florida’s New Life Expo: March 8 – 10 in Ft. Lauderdale. Raw Vegan Panel & Blissology Playshop nearby Dr. Brian and Annamarie Clement’s Hippocrates Health Institute.
3. Blissologists Convene at San Franciso’s New Living Expo, April 26 – 28. feature its 1st Budding Blissologist Certificate course brought to you by
4. Sacred Journey to Peru with Andean Spiritual Guides, June 6 – 18.
Dr. Brian Clement and Dr. Annamarie Clement are Directors of Palm Beach Florida’s Hippocrates Health Institute.
We Feel Honored That Hippocrates Health Institute is a Raw Spirit Sponsor.
February 22 – 24 at the Hilton near Sedona, AZ. Many new raw-vegan friendly leaders are coming together for the next generation of what will likely be a rawmarkable gathering!
Welcome to The NEWLIFE EXPO. Ft. Lauderdale, FL. March 9 – 10, 2013.
The origins of a new-age, alternative-lifestyle, natural-products “Expo,” can be traced back to the early 1970s and the days of the Whole Earth Catalog, a widely popular alternative mail order catalog. The Whole Earth Company began the first Whole Earth Expo. By 1975, Whole Earth Expo was an established tradition in the counter culture of the time.
Other shows arose concurrently, with the Whole Earth Expo’s success. In 1982, Alan Goldman began producing shows for the National Health Federation in New York. At the same time, Joseph Cotler had founded the Whole Life Times and worked with Alan to produce an Expo in New York for the Whole Life Times – the first Whole Life Expo.
By 1983, Joseph and Alan were doing shows in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. In 1986, Joseph sold the Los Angeles market rights to Paul Andrews. He sold the San Francisco market rights to Ken Kaufman in 1986. Both Ken and Paul proceeded to expand Whole Life Expos into cities across the country, bringing Expo’s new-age ideas to a wider public and helping to establish a nationwide community focused on integrative health and cutting edge ideas.
In 1998, Justin Hilton purchased Whole Life Expo’s nationwide rights from Ken Kaufman. These Expos continued under Justin, and at the end of 1999, he sold the entire company to Ayman Sawaf.
Today, having produced successful Expos since his return years ago, Ken and his committed organization once again are creating a whole new standard in the world of Expos. This year, The New Living Expo brings to you ALL workshops, lectures, panels, and exhibits, for one low general admission price of $ 15 for 1 day, $20 for 2 days, or $25 for three days.
In addition to producing the Expo, Ken is increasingly sought after as a consultant for those who are interested in producing events. Today he lives with his wife Corinna, and he is a dedicated parent to his two teenage daughters.
Come be part of our event-making history. Come celebrate and explore with us at the 2013 New Living Expo on April 26th, April 27th and 28th at the Concourse Exhibition Center 8th and Brannan, S.F.
Bliss Forth with Vitamin L and Vitamin G, (Love and Giggles)
Happy Oasis,
Raw Spirit Community News
“Making money is easy. It’s making a difference
that is difficult.”– Tom Brokaw
Be Among The First of 2013 To Express Your Spirit Of Abundance!
Thank You Already to for 2013 donations from Sponsors Hippocrates Health Institute, Jinjee & Storm Talifero, The Raw Living Expo, New Living Expo, Graff Academy, Brad’s Chips…. Plus, Hundreds More Raw Kindred Spirits who have over the years made a difference by saying YES via a donation to the Raw Spirit Fest, a 501c3 educational Non Profit dedicated to co-creating healthier, happier world through “Education, Inspiration and Celebration”.
Receive Great Gifts for Donating. See fundraising offer here…
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